High Quality Freeware Addons
For Train Simulators!!
Site Not Compatible With Mobiles
High Quality Train Simulator Routes
Both Fictional & Real Life Representations
Sound Sets & Upgrades
Sound Modifications & High Quality Recordings From Locomotives
Locomotive Reskins Edited With Precision Using Adobe Photoshop Software
Custom Objects
Custom Skins Of Objects Such As Sign's For Shop Fronts, Roads, Stations And More!!!
About Us
British Locomotive Studios is formed of a group of Rail Enthusiasts, the company was formed in 2017.
British Locomotive Studios (BLS) promises to try and deliver high quality freeware addons for the Dovetail Games
Train Simulator Game as well as other titles such as Trainz and Train Sim World.
Currently the team have made some impressive work on sounds, routes and skins all of which can be found via our download page
British Locomotive Studios cannot take any responsibilities for any damage caused to computers after installing our content, you may contact us via email or Facebook regarding any bugs or install issues but like all third party developers and freeware sites you are downloading the content at your own risk, all content placed on the site is ran through our professional beta testing team to make sure that nothing could be a potential hazard to your computers, however that is not to say that if a piece of content is installed incorrectly it will not cause problems to your Train Simulator games, read all manuals and install methods carefully and with caution, it maybe advised to back up your Assets and Content folders.

Founding Members

Samuel Beamon

Will Braddock

Steve Davies